Friday, 16 August 2013

Work in progress - Ork Deffkopta

I've made a start on one of the 3 Deffkopta's I have. 

I started off by priming the entire model with Army Painter Plate Mail.  It actually gave fantastic coverage and didn't obscure any details despite some of the things I've read about the product.

From here, I hit the areas I wanted to be black with Vallejo Black game colour.  It gave really crappy coverage and needed a couple coats. Even then, areas just flaked off.  I'm not sure if this is just cos it doesn't like the metallic primer but all the GW colours were fine.   Going to have to pick up another black to see if it is the Vallejo that is the problem.

Anyway, I used a GW black wash to shade the metal areas. I used up to 4 layers on some areas and it came out really nice. 
I then blocked in all the base colours using the foundation range from GW.  The red took 2 layers of mechrite red foundation and about 8 layers of thinned blood red to get a nice flat colour. 

Here is the model with all the base layers done. I have decided what to do with the missiles on the front yet so these still need to be done. Still a fair way to go but it's starting to take shape :-)
(Some parts need a bit of tidying up but ill worry about that after I've shaded).

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Completed - Ork Boys Mob 1

I've finally completed my first mob of Ork Boys.

Here they are, finished & based. 

For the bases I used Army Painter's black basing sand which I just dry brushed with grey. And I added some of my dads home made static grass using his own applicator he built with an old fly killer thing. 

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Work in progress - Ork Boys Mob


So ill be honest. About 4 years ago I picked up the "Black Reach" box set and made a start on some ork boys. It wasn't until recently that I re-discovered my desire & will to paint!

After much consideration, I decided to go for an Evil Suns / Goff kinda colours scheme. So red & checks it is. 

I grabbed a bunch of boys and primed them black.  My plan was to set up an "assembly line" method and hit each base colour on each model. Somehow I ended up with 12 boys and 13 heads (I like to do the heads separately) in this batch but not to worry. 

I couldn't decide on a set colour for the cloth so some have brown clothes & some are black.  I kinda like this tho as orks are not supposed to be regimented.

Here are the first 12 ork boys - ALMOST finished. I just need to add the highlights to the red hair and there are a few touch ups I'd like to make like paint chips on the metal. They will also need basing.  I've not done any checks at this point either. 

I'm pretty happy with them although I've probably spent way too long on this batch considering they are just the basic infantry (and I'm going to have to paint a ton of the little buggers).  There was some trial and error on the colours but I've nailed the method I'm happy with so the next lot shouldn't take as long at all!